MERLIN 02 Ep.13 - The Last Dragonlord

Morgana has gone with Morgause and the dragon, freed by Merlin, repeatedly attacks Camelot, causing huge fire damage. Only a dragon-lord is capable of containing the beast and Pendragon persecuted these men years earlier and only one still survives, Balinor, who lives like a hermit in a cave. Gaius, who helped him escape Camelot, tells Merlin this is his father and when Merlin and Arthur trace him, Merlin reveals himself to Balinor though they keep it from Arthur. Balinor agrees to come to Camelot to assist but there is further drama before Merlin proves himself to be his father's son and defeats the dragon.


Name: The Great Dragon.
Motivations: To destroy Camelot, and kill Uther, after having been imprisoned for over 20 years...
Victims: Many citizens of Camelot.
Magical Abilities: Many, and many we do not yet know of...
Accomplices: None.
Fate: Merlin lets him go on condition that he won't attack Camelot again. 


MERLIN 02 Ep.12 - The Fires of Idirsholas

Using an incantation, Morgause revives the deadly knights of Medhir and, whilst Merlin and Arthur are the sole survivors of the party sent to beat the knights, Morgause uses Morgana to bewitch Camelot so that everybody except Morgana herself falls asleep, rendering the court defenceless when the knights approach, intent on killing Pendragon. Merlin learns from the Great Dragon that the only way to break the spell is to kill Morgana, so he uses her as his bargaining power to force Morgause to call off the attack. As a consequence he must honour his pledge to free the dragon.


Name: Morgause
Motivations: To bring about Uther's death.
Victims: Very nearly the entire of Camelot.
Magical Abilities: Many, including a powerful sleeping spell.
Accomplices: Morgana, and the Knights of Medhir.
Fate: Is forced to escape Camelot with Morgana when the spell is lifted,and everyone begins to wake up.


MERLIN 02 Ep.11 - The Witch's Quickening

Mordred brings a warlock, Alvarr, to see Morgana and they persuade her to steal a crystal with magical properties from the vaults of Camelot. Alvarr tells her it can be used to help people like themselves with special powers though he really intends to destroy Camelot. Merlin and Arthur pursue him, returning him and the crystal to court, though Mordred escapes and Morgana, having disowned Pendragon, springs Alvarr from prison by drugging the guards. Merlin,having looked into the crystal, is alarmed by a vision of chaos but Gaius assures him that it is far into the future.


Name: Alvarr
Motivations: Destroy Uther and Camelot by using the Crystal of Neahtid.
Victims: Several guard
Magical Abilities: Many including capable of immense charm and shocking violence.
Accomplices: Mordred, Morgana.
Fate: He get caught by Arthur but he escaped from Camelot with the helped from Morgana.

Name: Mordred
Motivations: He wants a world where magic can be practiced freely.
Victims: At least two guards of Camelot
Magical Abilities: Many including Telekinesis, telepathy.
Accomplices: Alvarr, Morgana, and many other nameless sorcerers.
Fate: Escapes Alvarr's camp.


MERLIN 02 Ep.10 - Sweet Dreams

Rulers from the Five Kingdoms converge on Camelot for a peace conference, including King Olaf and his spoilt, over-protected daughter Vivian. King Alined is also present with his jester, the wizard Trickler, but he is a disruptive force who wants to cause discord between Olaf and Pendragon to gain the ultimate power for himself. To this end he gets Trickler to bewitch Vivian and Arthur so that they fall in love and incur the annoyance of Olaf, who challenges Arthur to a dual. This time it is down to Guinevere, rather than Merlin, to break the spell.


Name: King Alined
Motivations: To create War
Victims: None, but very nearly Arthur.
Magical Abilities: None.
Accomplices: Trickler (His Jester)
Fate: He leaves Camelot without the war he desired.


MERLIN 02 Ep.09 - The Lady of The Lake

Merlin sees a beautiful druid girl, locked in a cage, and naturally he has to help. However his actions have consequences, the bounty hunter Halig won't stop until he recaptures her, not to mention the mysterious beast that has been terrorising Camelot. Merlin still believe she's not a monster like Halig said and have plan to get out of Camelot with her because Merlin have feeling to her. Freya can't let that happen and trying to escape alone at night but get caught by guard and Arthur. 


Name: Halig
Motivations: Greed; he wants the reward from Uther for Freya
Victims: None but nearly Freya
Magical Abilities: None
Accomplices: The knights of Camelot help him out in trying to find Freya.
Fate: He is killed by Freya (whilst she is in beast form).


MERLIN 02 Ep.08 - The Sins of The Father

When a mysterious warrior challenges Arthur to a duel, no one could possibly predict the devastating chain of events that is set in motion - least of all the young Prince himself. Arthur and Merlin soon find themselves on a strange quest at the behest of the beautiful Morgause. Through her, Arthur discovers a dark secret which threatens to bring about the downfall of the kingdom.


Name: Morgause
Motivations: Destroy Uther
Victims: Several Guards.
Magical Abilities: Enchantment (Sorcerress)
Accomplices: Ygraine (Athur's Mother Spirit)
Fate: Return In "The Fires of Idirsholas".


MERLIN 02 Ep.07 - The Witchfinder

In his determination to rule magic out of Camelot forever, Uther hires the services of Aredian, a terrifying witch hunter who is most feared due to the fact that he stops at nothing in the quest to uncover all and every kind of sorcery. Even though no one is under direct suspicion, several people in Camelot are afraid that the witch hunter could see straight through them: Morgana is worried that Uther might have her executed and Gaius is concerned for the fate of Merlin and his own, since caring for the young warlock is considered crime and treason. Will all three be able to escape a dreadful fate?


Name: Aredian/The Witchfinder
Motivations: Money
Victims: Gaius, Merlin and Morgana were all almost victims.
Magical Abilities:None.
Accomplices: None.
Fate: He falls out of a window to his death.